Josh Downey from Evesham banged up (2016)


A VIOLENT demonstrator identified after giving an interview to a current affairs website has been jailed for 18 months.

Josh Downey’s first name, age, home town and photograph were published on the New Statesman just two days after the “anti-immigration” protests in Dover on Saturday, January 30.

Detectives recognised the 22-year-old, of Offenham Road, Evesham in Worcestershire, as being responsible for offences committed throughout the day and sent Downey’s picture to his local police force for identification.

He was arrested on Wednesday, May 11 and later pleaded guilty to one count of violent disorder.

At his sentencing on Friday, August 12, Canterbury Crown Court heard how Downey was filmed throwing numerous objects at opposition protestors in Effingham Street, Dover.

He was later spotted hurling further items while in Folkestone Road, and was also seen in possession of a large piece of wood.

When further fighting broke out later in Market Square, Downey was again caught throwing objects including two large pieces of wood.

Detective Sergeant Matthew Smith of Kent Police said: “The investigation team have arrested more than 70 people in connection with the demonstrations in Dover and they continue to review hundreds of hours of footage captured on the day.

“Although Josh Downey gave us a head start by allowing his details to be published online, my officers have shown they are more than capable of identifying those responsible through good old fashioned police work and a determination to succeed.

“His 18-month sentence is further proof of how serious these cases are being treated by the courts, and I hope the people of Dover are as pleased as I am with the positive results we have received thus far.”

Worcester Evening News



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