Tag Archives: UKIP Worcestershire

“Anger after UKIP billboard defaced”

From worcester evening news

1613 Newtown_Road_UKIP_billboard_defaced_23937

“VANDALS have defaced a giant UK Independence Party election billboard in Worcester so it reads like a BNP advert.

The sign, at the bottom of Newtown Road and one of four UKIP posters in the city, was scribbled over in ink and paint so it read like an advert for the far-right British National Party.

Bosses decided to take it down over the weekend and have hit out at the perpetrators. Carl Humphries, UKIP organiser for Worcester and Mid-Worcestershire, said: “I can tell you now we have strict ruling over any BNP members who want to join our party.

“We ask prospective members to fill out a form and if they either belong to the BNP now or used to be a member, they have no chance whatsoever with us. It’s a shame but we have always anticipated bits of graffiti going on any political sign, it’s the way it works sometimes.”

At the moment, the party’s other three adverts in Sherriff Street, Midland Road and next to Shrub Hill Station have not been targeted. Meanwhile, party organisers have come in for criticism after activists printed a leaflet asking people to vote on the wrong date for May’s elections.

As well as Worcestershire County Council’s election count, a by-election is taking place on Thursday, May 2 for the Chase seat on Malvern Hills District Council.

 The by-election has been sparked by Councillor Steve Brown resigning from both County Hall and the district council in order to run his own publishing business. UKIP has circulated a leaflet around the ward asking people to vote on Sunday, May 5, in error.

The leaflet has been put through doors with a silver sticker covering it up. Councillor Lucy Hodgson, who is standing for the Conservatives for the Chase County Hall seat, said: “There was this silver sticky tape stuck over the date – we were surprised it had gone out like that.”

Mr Humphries said he “could not believe” the mistake had been made, but insisted UKIP was still getting a positive reaction on the doorstep. The leaflet was laid out and printed before party members realised the typing mistake.

“The reaction on the doorstep is positive, that’s what our focus is,” said Mr Humphries. UKIP is standing 42 candidates next month.”


Further reading

UKIP officials expresses sympathy for far-Right EDL”

“Far right connections of UKIP candidates revealed as elections loom”

“Some Ukip candidates could be BNP members, says leader Nigel Farage”

“Key UKIP member went on marches with the English Defence League”

“UKIP Cumbria candidate posts racist ‘niggers’ photo”

“UKIP election candidate pictured giving Nazi salute and wielding knife”