Tag Archives: NWI

Call-out to Oppose Worldwide White Pride in Swansea April 5th

Reposted from Anti-Fascist Network


From Cardiff Antifa Caerdydd:

Urgent Call Out To All The Antifacists In Britain


The National Front is on the rise in south Wales. In January 2014, they held their Annual General Meeting in Swansea. This meeting went ahead un-disrupted by any antifascist and/or Antifa.

Since then, people from several areas throughout south Wales have contacted the NF to organise local demonstrations. In one of them, a small group of people confronted them. However, no call out was made nationally.

In March 2013, the first UK-wide White Pride World Wide event was held in Swansea organised by the National Front. Up to 100 fascists attended and although outnumbered, they held a static demonstration with minimal confrontation or disruption. This time, they are trying to make it bigger than last year.

Video still showing Klu Klux Klan costumes and golliwog

This were the scenes in Swansea at last year’s White Pride World Wide event for which Christopher Philips was jailed

The NF is also part of For Race and Nation Collective: a combination of multiple fascists groups who believe in white supremacy. They are co-organising this demonstration.

If they are not properly confronted again, the city of Swansea is in danger of becoming the White Pride UK Capital. Swansea is becoming the NF capital in Wales, as mentioned earlier.


Opposing the NF demo last year

This as we know, must not happen. Fascists should not be welcomed in
Swansea, Wales or anywhere on this planet. We, as anti-fascists in Wales want the National Front and all fascist groups out and out forever.

This is an urgent call out for anyone who identifies as an anti-fascist to come to Swansea on the 5th of April 2014.

This is the time when we urgently need all the support from anyone from anywhere who is against fascism and racism.

Please put the 5th of April 2014 in your diary and come to Swansea to stop the UK’s White Pride World Wide.

See you on the streets! ¡No Pasarán!

We are an independent group of antifa people who live in Wales. Our main objective is to organise resistance against fascism in Swansea. We are currently organising a counter demo.

– Cardiff Antifa Caerdydd


Extra Information

Quiet a lot of info on last year’s event here and here and this is the Facebook event from last time. The White Pride demo pulled about 60 fascists who were opposed by 300-400 anti-fascists.

The demo was followed in the evening by a Blood and Honour gig hosted at the Valley Commandos Motorcycle Club.

VCMC denied all knowledge of the event’s true nature, but given that their logo is an SS death’s head and they appear to have hosted neo-Nazi events before (see comments here), it does make you wonder… Hopefully they will not be repeating their mistake and hosting Nazis again.



Right-wing thugs locked up after Liverpool city centre attack

Liverpool echo 26 September

“Trouble spread to Bold Street bar after gang set upon anti-fascists heading to a fundraising gig

Far-right thugs attack in Bold Street
Far-right thugs attack in Bold Street

Seven right-wing thugs who attacked a Liverpool City Centre anti-fascist meeting were jailed after admitting charges of violent disorder.

The men, who were either members of or associated with groups including the National Front,  the English Defence Force or North West Infidels punched and kicked people heading for a fundraising gig at the News From Nowhere Bookshop on July 6 last year.

CCTV footage shown to Liverpool Crown Court showed the men, led by 25-year-old Liam Pinkham, running across Bold Street and attacking a smaller group walking past the Cafe Tabac bar and restaurant.

Liam Pinkham

Liam Pinkham

The attackers, some of whom were wearing masks, punched and kicked their victims who were pursued into the Tabac where the violence continued, sending tables and chairs flying.

Anya Horwood, prosecuting, said: “It would appear that the motivation for this violent disorder was polarised political opinions and personal enmity. The attacking group shared right-wing beliefs and the victims anti-fascist.”Witnesses described seeing the group hanging around outside the nearby Sainsbury’s store and thought they were about to raid it before they went to the Tabac and started “beating people.”

Those inside described three “punks” outnumbered two to one being beaten to the floor and one suffering a golf ball sized lump to his head.

Liam Pinkham, who was at the front of the attack having crossed the road to remonstrate with a man he had previous dealings with, was found a short time later cowering on top of a multi-story car park with another attacker Stephen Dumont, then aged just 16.

Stephen Dumont

Stephen Dumont

Matthew Coates, 22, was found on Roscoe Street with a mask and St George’s flag in his pocket and said: “OK you’ve got me” while Shane Calvert, 31, was found near Lime Street out of breath with bloody knuckles.

Matthew Coates

Matthew Coates

Pinkham, of Whetstone Lane, Birkenhead; Dumont, 18, of Rosewood Close, Netherley; Coates, of Albert Road, Southport; Michael Kearns, of Dovecote Avenue, Dovecote and Nathan Smith, 21, of North Road, St Helens, all pleaded guilty to violent disorder – though Smith failed to turn up to the hearing and a warrant was issued for his arrest.Two men from Blackburn Peter Hawley, of Ailsa Road, and Shane Calvert, 31, of Shetland Avenue, admitted the same charge.

Peter Hawley

Peter Hawley

Some of the men admitted being members of the English Defence League whereas others denied membership though they offered “frank” political opinions.

Shane Calvert

Shane Calvert

Judge Robert Trevor-Jones, said: “All of you were either members of, or have associations with, groups which happen to hold right-wing views or positions whether it be the National Front, English Defence Force or North West Infidels. “It is that common factor which brought you all together on Bold Street that evening because you had been made aware there was to be some form of anti-fascist meeting.

“It is quite clear you all went there to Bold Street with the view to disrupting or preventing that meeting taking place even if you did not intend direct violence beforehand.

“Of course in such circumstances involving two groups holding diametrically opposed views there is a clear risk of confrontation as was shown by the CCTV in court.

Michael Kearns

Michael Kearns

“Although the violence was short lived it was in full view of passers-by, initially out on the street, and it spread into a nearby cafe causing chairs and tables to be overturned and glasses to be smashed. Calvert, Pinkham, Kearns and Smith were in the thick of it.”

He jailed Pinkham, who had previously threatened to burn down News From Nowhere while making abusive comments about Anne Frank, for 17 months.

Dumont was sent to a young offenders institution for a total of nine months after he was also found guilty at trial of public order offences after shouting racist taunts through a megaphone at a mosque in Ashton Under Lyne, Greater Manchester.

Coates was locked up for ten months; Michael Kearns, 39, for 14 months; Peter Hawley, 53, for 13 months, and Shane Calvert was  given14 months behind bars.

As they were led to the cells their supporters, who packed the public gallery, shouted: “No justice” and applauded them.”
Video of the attack on anti-fascists

NWI Fascists issued this warning shortly after the sentencing


See also

Final far-right thug (Nathan Smith) jailed for beating up anti-fascist demonstrators


Magdeburg is a city in the east of Germany: there is disruption created by an annual parade of fascists claiming to commemorate the casualties of an allied air strike that happened during the Second World War.

The emphasis they place on the nature of these casualties as victims could have the effect of distracting people’s attention from the atrocities performed by the Nazis themselves during the war, and from their role as the instigators of the conflict.

No Pasaran Uncut from CS Productions on Vimeo.

Death threats made to host after EDL interview

After the broadcast of this morning’s “tommy robinson” interview (above) on the bbc’s sunday politics show interviewer Andrew Neil immediately started receiving death threats via twitter from the little fuhrer’s henchmen.

The express ran an article covering the story, with possibly the finest typo (?) ever .. so true to boot ..

EDL’s response to the arson attack on Muswell Hill community centre June 5th (updated)

"EDL" painted on wall of centre shortly before arson attack

“EDL” painted on wall of community centre shortly before the arson attack which happened at roughly 3:00am on June 5th


510083 510084 510085 510086 510087

Wednesday evening's final post from the neo-nazis 'casuals united'

Wednesday evening’s final facebook post from ‘casuals united’

War memorial in London is desecrated hours after the arson attack with the words "LEE RIGBY KILLERS SHUD HANG"

War memorial in London is desecrated around 4:20am shortly after the Muswell Hill arson attack with the words “LEE RIGBY KILLERS SHUD HANG”

London June 6th 2013

London June 6th 2013 outside the Old Bailey

June 8th: EDL in Lincoln chant “Burn the mosque

June 9th: Suspicious fire at south east London islamic boarding school

June 10th: Four Arrested on Suspicion of Arson over Fire at Darul Uloom Islamic Boarding School

June 17th: Grimsby Mosque attack: Third man arrested

June 20th: Former soldier banned from every mosque in Wales and England over arson attempt

June 20th: Cheltenham man charged with mosque ‘hate crime’

June 20th: Two charged over mosque incidents

June 26thSwastikas sprayed on walls and windows of Redditch mosque during break-in

June 27th: Arrest in explosive device find near Walsall mosque

June 28th: Jailed: men who attacked Poole mosque sentenced to four months in prison

June 30thMuslim graves at Christchurch Cemetery, Newport, desecrated by racist vandals

July 1st: Police seek racists who left pig heads in Bradford Muslim family garden

July 3rd Racist graffiti is left on mosque (Cradley Heath)

July 10th Grimsby man ‘lost everything’ over mosque comment

July 10th Footballer jailed over anti-Muslim tweets in wake of Drummer Lee Rigby’s murder

July 10th Kirkcaldy muslim centre targeted in hate crime

July 12th Nails found after ‘terror’ explosion near Tipton mosque

Keep up to date with these stories and more at EDL Criminals – Exposed

Opposing the “March for England” 2013

A few pictures and a video showing the huge and varied opposition shown to fascist scum who were pretending to march under the banner of St George in Brighton today. Links to independent reports from the day at the foot of the post.

A lot of people don't like fascism

A lot of people don’t like fascism

Fascists on the left anti-fascists on the right

Fascists on the left anti-fascists on the right

Loud and clear

Loud and clear







More coverage here (Indymedia UK)

English Fascists Took Their First Beating of the Summer in Brighton This Weekend (Vice)

MfE battered and humiliated on the streets of Brighton (EDLNews)

Mobs and Coppers (SchNEWS)

March for england 2013 (Indymedia UK)

Brighton 24th April 2013 – Something For Everyone!!! (Anti-Fascist Network)

March for England Marches Nowhere! (Maletesta’s blog)

Picture gallery (AFA Ireland)

EDL and Infidels fail respectively

Fresh from having their main website hacked again last night the ever persistent flotsam and jetsam of what was “Britain’s biggest street movement” (according to themselves) arrived in Norwich today for a so-called ‘national demonstration’ numbering around 150 if that.

The people of Norwich were out in considerably larger numbers (*an estimated 1,500 according to mainstream press reports) to give the bedraggled ‘leaderless‘ boneheads the rousing welcome that they deserved by letting the racists know in no uncertain terms that the hatred spread by the EDL was definitely not welcome in the city as the video below clearly shows.

Arrests were made as boneheads tried to attack locals. Scuffles with anti-fascists also took place. *Mainstream report here

Meanwhile EDL neo-nazi splinter group the ‘infidels’ were out in West Ham having an equally shit day.

Meanwhile, the weekend before in Liverpool…

Taken from alertaantifasciste

“With NWI calling a national callout ‘against IRA marches in Liverpool’ (code name for spreading anti-irish racism, especially since february ) various antifascist groups set about organising counter demoes, fash facebook pages and blogs kept pumping out about people coming from far and wide to the demo and keeping meeting places secret.

On the day however only roughly 20 of the fash turned up, this was met by a joint mobilisation of antifascists who outnumbered them 3-1, as the fash settled comfortably into their police protected protest area near the town hall another 20 antifascists turned up and stood amongst the fash, the fash then backed off and stood looking uncomfortable until police moved into to move the antifascists to their proper place.

Unsurprisingly the fash became suddenly more vocal once the police safety was reinforced, but this just further added to their humiliation, one fascist was keen to remind antifascists that ‘the police are on our side not yours’ roughly translated and taking the events into consideration i believe this meant ‘These police wont let you get us’ the police had several attempts at kettling antifascists, which didn’t seem too effective and many managed to break the line.

Far right poster boy and jail bird Liam Pinkham bumped into a group of militant antifascists and recieved a taste of his own medicine, for his first demo since his release from prison this should really make him question his involvement in politics all together.

last night was a really successful night for antifascism in Liverpool, everyone played to their strengths, there was a counter demonstration that massively outnumbered the fascist mobilisation, and sizeable groups were scouting and looking for fash outside of the demo.

The only group which refused to turn up was the Socialist Party in Liverpool, who really need to question their morals, having witnessed them sharing church street with fascists and ignoring the fascists all together to talk about the NHS, how can they refuse to stand with other antifascists AGAINST fascists?”

Fash yesterday giving it the ‘big un’ from the safety of a pub (great choreography with zee fingers) .. (CTRL and + for closer view in firefox)

The aftermath as told by EDLNews.

The remnants of the EDL & the ‘Master Race’ in northern day trips

Antifascists were out in force on the streets of Sunderland today (August 11th) outnumbering the nazi boneheads of the National Front three to one. The NF fascists were out to protest against a proposed mosque in the area. Another failed attempt to create community tension.

The deluded nazis, dwindling in numbers, claimed that the NF had “won the day” (?) on the Sky Tyne-and-Wear news page, only a bonafide bonehead would come to that conclusion, and only an underhand scumbag would lie about the circumstances. The NF now propose to waste everyones time including their own once a month protesting on the green.

Also ..

The EDL made complete cocks of themselves at their Blackpool fancy dress party (August 5th)

“Where’s the fucking film crew? it’s freezin..”

Also .. gee they’re busy ..

Roughly around 80-100 knuckledragging racists that missed the evolutionary ‘jump’ turned up on August 4th surprisingly in Keighley, West Yorkshire. Why? No one knows.

The so-called “Master race” in Liverpool today


Reports: Liverpool echo and Liverpool Antifascists

Bristol Anti-Fascists Say: Stop the EDL

Let’s defend ourselves against the English Defence League!

The EDL are marching in Bristol on the 14th of July. The counter- mobilisation is in full swing, so get involved. There have been alot of posts on Bristol Indymedia about the EDL demo.

Now is the time for our call to action. Come to Templemeads area and line the route at 10am on the 14th to give them the welcome they deserve. Stay alert. Stay mobile. Bring your mates

There are many many ways to show your opposition to the EDL: don’t let them march, don’t give ’em a lift in your taxi, put posters up in shops, don’t serve them drinks, raise awareness about their farcical attempts to disguise their homophobia, chat to work colleagues, decorate the city…. do whatever you feel comfortable with but now is the time to get a crew together and take action against racism in our city.

We want to meet them at the station to stop them marching for any distance. We will resist them wherever they turn and we will be watching them. Let’s defend ourselves against the EDL! Zero tolerance of fascism on our streets.

For more information email bristolantifascists@riseup.net Or see http://antifascistnetwork.wordpress.com Twitter: @stopedl #stopedl

Indymedia posts:http://bristol.indymedia.org/article/709150 http://bristol.indymedia.org/article/708817 Someone else has also set up a facebook page: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/events/195613943884582/

*For translations of the call out in Farsi, Arabic, Somali and Polish see here

*Update July 1st Bristol indymedia “EDL Bristol March Organiser Photographed Giving Nazi Salute at Bradford Demo”

*Update July 4th This is Bristol “Anti-fascists call for mass opposition to EDL march in Bristol”

*Update July 12th “Bust card and other stuff” and “EDL and BNP up the racism in the lead up to their Bristol demo

*Update July 13th “Anti-EDL Demonstration in Bristol – Information

*Update July 13th article from The Network for Police Monitoring